Home » How to Save Money on Auto Insurance 
febrero 26, 2024
Hernandez Insurance Services

How to Save Money on Auto Insurance 

a magnifying glass sitting on top of a piece of paper explaining How to Save Money on Auto Insurance

Finding ways to reduce the cost of auto insurance while maintaining adequate coverage is crucial. Auto insurance can be a significant part of your monthly expenses, but there are strategies to keep costs down without compromising coverage.

Shop Around and Compare Quotes

One of the most effective ways to ensure you get a good deal on auto insurance is to shop around. Auto insurance quotes vary widely between providers because each company assesses risk and determines premiums.

Auto insurance brokers can compare rates from various insurers on your behalf to help you find better rates than you might find on your own.

Increase Your Deductible

Opting for a higher deductible can lower your premium costs. The deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance policy kicks in after an accident. By choosing a higher deductible, you take on more financial responsibility in the event of a claim, which can significantly lower your monthly or annual insurance cost.

Look for Discounts

Insurance companies often offer discounts that can help lower your car insurance price. These can include the following:

  • Safe driver discounts for those with a clean driving record
  • Multipolicy discounts when bundling auto insurance with other policies, such as homeowners insurance
  • Good student discounts for young drivers with a certain grade point average

Maintain a Good Credit Score

In many states, insurers use your credit score to determine your car insurance cost. A higher credit score can lead to lower premiums. Regularly check your credit score, and identify and fix any errors that might negatively affect your score.

Drive a Less Expensive Car to Insure

The type of vehicle you drive has a significant impact on your auto insurance quote. Cars that are less expensive to repair or replace generally cost less to insure when you choose comprehensive and collision insurance.

Consider insurance costs when buying a new or used car; research which cars have lower insurance rates.

Use Telematics Programs

Many insurers offer telematics programs that monitor your driving habits through a smartphone app or a device installed in your car. Safe driving behaviors can lead to discounts on your auto insurance.

Contact Us

Saving money on car insurance requires effort, but the potential savings are worth it. For personalized assistance and a competitive auto insurance quote, contact Hernandez Insurance Services in Houston, Texas.


This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.

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